Central Arkansas Disability Services provides a wide range of programs that supports the agency’s mission of empowering individuals through person-centered services focusing on home, community, and employment services that support full inclusion in the community. These programs facilitate the opportunity for our program participants to live their lives according to their terms.
High School Transition Services
Transition Services is designed to improve the transition of students with disabilities from school to postsecondary education or an employment outcome.

SSI & SSDI Benefit Planning Promoting Employment and Financial Stability of Social Security Beneficiaries with Disabilities
This program for people with disabilities who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and/or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) enhances awareness and understanding of the effect of work on benefits, public health insurance such as Medicare and Medicaid, and any other benefits received.
Community Partner Work Incentives Counselors (CPWIC)
A trained Community Partner Work Incentives Counselors (CPWIC) provides in-depth, individualized counseling about benefits and various work incentives available through the Social Security Administration which enables beneficiaries to make informed choices regarding potential work activities and plans for achieving greater self-sufficiency.
The CPWIC can help to answer questions such as:
Who is eligible?
An individual must meet the following requirements in order to be a candidate for benefit Planning.

The Community and Employment Support (CES) Waiver offers services in your community to support participants with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) with all major life activities, such as living independently and working at a job with help from an employment coach. The program promotes inclusion for participants through community experiences and provides care coordination for getting services. The goal of the waiver is simple: it helps participants with IDD to live in the community rather than in an institutional setting such as a nursing home or Intermediate Care Facility.
The Retail Employees with Disabilities Initiative (REDI) is Walgreens in-store retail and customer service educational training program for people with disabilities.
Contact Your Service Area for More Information
Central Arkansas Disability Services, Inc.
201 West Broadway St.
Suite M
North Little Rock, AR 72114
(501) 537-1080